For embroidery digitizers, custom hat embroidery is one of the challenging tasks that should be carried out with precision. Achieving immaculate results is not that easy. You need substantial experience so you can tame the wild side of hat embroidery. For instance, you have complex designs, and you only have a limited space to toil your craft in, finishing the job can be coupled with a lot of problems. This does not mean though that you cannot overcome them. You need to come up with the right solutions and techniques to achieve the desired outcome. The solution will depend on the type of head-wear you are working on.
For snapbacks:
Snapbacks are the easiest headwear to deal with because it doesn’t have any space issue. If customers request for a standard design, you can easily pull that off with snapbacks. However, snapbacks do have their own set of challenges such as the snapback bills tending to get bent and distorted during production.
The solution to the bill bending problem is to be more careful when adding the design. Be mindful of your trimmers and make sure that they are straightening the bills. Aside from applying precautionary measures during the production process, there are no other solutions for bent or distorted snapback bills.
For visors:
The challenging part of visor embroidery is the lack of space. Since visors have lesser design space than other kinds of head-wear, you only have the front side to play with.
One way that you can address the problem with space is by planning your designs. Be sure that the dimensions will not take too much space and plan out the ideal location for your designs. A good idea will be placing the design front and center. Avoid fancy designs, keep everything as simple as possible. You might also have to let your customer contribute to the design ideas. Provide them with the available options to explore and the issues that may arise. If they want a particular design, you can try to work it out using a different visor.
For caps:
Although design space is not an issue with five or six-panel caps, there are other issues that you need to address. Yes, you can embroider designs on all four sides but there are deterrents to producing excellent results if five-panel caps have a mesh on the sides. Another issue that you will be facing with caps is that the front foam panel may give you challenges with stitching the design because it has the tendency to be buried into the foam.
These challenges can be solved by using thin fonts. Steer clear of fine detail designs because it won’t give you the best result. A design which is slightly off-center might not be visually appealing so you also need to avoid it with a simple fix will by keeping your designs centered at all times.
For beanies:
Beanies are fun to work on because you can stitch your design on all sides. Occasional stripes may hinder you from choosing any design because some design elements might disappear.
Space may not be an issue with beanies or toques, but if some elements disappear, you can find the location where you can put the actual design font taking the height into consideration. You also have to embroider your design carefully because it has the tendency to get buried in the fabric. The problem tends to get worse if you will be dealing with embroidered logos.
Custom hat embroidery is challenging, but with this guide, you will be able to get an insight on how you should deal with the challenges associated with it. Entrust your designs in custom hat embroidery experts, contact us:
Affordable Digitizing
(239) 910 8021